SMOTE vs SMOTE-ENN: Which is more effective for Churn Prediction in Imbalanced Banking DataAn imbalanced dataset is a type of dataset where the number of instances belonging to one class is significantly higher or lower than the…Feb 28, 2023Feb 28, 2023
Regularization Simplified : Lasso Ridge & Elastic-NetWhen we use the Linear Regression model there are chances that the model will overfit the given training data set. Regularization helps in…May 5, 2021May 5, 2021
Analysis of Zomato Bangalore Restaurant datasetZomato is an Indian restaurant aggregator and food delivery start-up founded in 2008. Zomato provides information, menus and user-reviews…Mar 5, 2021Mar 5, 2021
Interview Questions on Logistic RegressionWhat is Logistic or Logit Regression?Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
Interview Questions on Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression & RegularizationWhat is a Linear Regression?Feb 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021
Simple Linear Regression SimplifiedLinear Regression is one of the Machine Learning algorithms which is easy to understand and interpret. before starting with linear…Jan 29, 2021Jan 29, 2021